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[edit] Kerberos and Related Technologies

Date: December 2, 2008, at 3:30 PM
Presenters: Tom Yu (tlyu)
Location: 4-231
Notes: slides
Abstract: Developers from MIT's Kerberos group will give an overview of Kerberos, SASL, GSS-API and related technologies. The talk will focus on what these technologies can do for users and application developers. The talk also describes how Kerberos works over the network enough to explain what its advantages and drawbacks are.
Bio: Tom Yu is the Development Manager for the MIT Kerberos Consortium. He has a degree in Course XVI (aero/astro), but for some reason persists in working on network security protocols and software. He is an associate member of SIPB and has been working on the MIT implementation of Kerberos since 1993. He is a co-chair of the IETF SASL Working Group and has contributed to the evolution of the Kerberos protocol and the GSS-API within the IETF. In the past, he has also taught SIPB IAP classes about understanding software security vulnerabilities and programming in the PostScript typesetting language.