SIPB Cluedump Series 2019
From SIPB Cluedumps
SIPB Cluedumps are informal technical talks open to the entire MIT community. They cover topics that are of general interest, such as web browsers, and topics specifically for the MIT computing community, such as Zephyr and Scripts. Cluedumps are usually one to two hours long, and we provide snacks.
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2019-2020 Cluedumps
[edit] Fundamentals of Frontend Frameworks
Date: January 30, 2020, at 7:30 PM |
Presenters: Elton Lin |
Location: 3-270 |
Abstract: Description:Google's Angular, Facebook's React, Evan You's Vue…new frontend frameworks are continuously emerging. However, they're all built on the same fundamental ideas - the ability to reuse components in an efficient and readable manner (composability), and the ability to update UI automatically when data changes (reactivity).
[edit] Kerberos: An Introduction from the Underworld Up
Date: December 5, 2019, at 7:30 PM |
Presenters: Robbie Harwood |
Location: 3-370 |
Abstract: What is Kerberos, and how does it work? What really happens when I type `kinit`? How does a single sign-on system work? What's the difference between authentication and authorization? (And possibly related: what's with all these "permission denied" errors?) How do I use Kerberos in my projects too? And what's "cutting edge" in this technology from the 80s that keeps it in heavy use today? |
Slides here [edit] Web3 and the Inter-Planetary Future of the Internet
Date: November 7, 2019, at 7:30 PM |
Presenters: Nate Foss |
Location: 3-270 |
Abstract: The current Internet is great, but it's fragile, insecure, centralized, and even censored in some places. A variety of new and old technologies exist to address these problems, and with the recent wave of interest in decentralization it looks like we're finally moving towards a new iteration of the Internet in the form of IPFS, the Inter-Planetary File System. IPFS and its surrounding technologies could take us from a location-addressed system to a content-addressed and peer-to-peer one, and bring with it all the ensuing benefits: speed, security, scalability (even to multiple planets), robustness to high latency, and reduced trust and reliance on the centralized backbone of the internet. |