From SIPB Cluedumps
SIPB Cluedumps are informal technical talks open to the entire MIT community. They cover topics that are of general interest, such as web browsers, and topics specifically for the MIT computing community, such as Zephyr and Scripts. Cluedumps are usually one to two hours long, and we provide snacks.
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2013 Cluedumps
The Scripts Project
Date: October 9, 2013, at 7:30 PM
Presenters: Members of the Scripts team
Location: 4-231
Abstract: Scripts does quite a bit more than your usual $10 host: it integrates directly with your Athena account, lets you request hostnames on * and offers automatic installs of common web software. Come learn how you can create a website for yourself or a student group using SIPB's shared hosting service for the MIT community.
Date: October 16, 2009, at 7:30 PM
Presenters: Karl Ramm (kcr)
Location: 4-231
Abstract: This week’s cluedump topic is Zephyr, MIT’s unique chat system, and popular Zephyr clients such as Roost, a browser-based client, and BarnOwl, a command-line client. The cluedump will be led by Karl Ramm, who has been an occasional employee of (and recently more just hanging around) the Institute since 1995. Unrelatedly, he took over maintenance of the Zephyr software late last decade and is still not quite sure it was a good idea. Join us tomorrow evening to find out why!
Date: October 23, 2013, at 7:30 PM
Presenters: Tom Yu (tlyu)
Location: 4-231
Abstract: Please join us this Wednesday for a SIPB cluedump on Kerberos by Tom Yu, who is the Development Team Leader for the MIT Kerberos Consortium, and is an associate member of SIPB. He has chaired several security-related IETF working groups and continues to contribute to the evolution of standards for Kerberos and related security protocols.
SIPB Stories
Date: October 30, 2013, at 7:30 PM
Presenters: Members of SIPB
Location: 4-231
Abstract: Please join us this Wednesday at 7:30 pm in 4-231 for SIPB storytime! Members of SIPB will share scary (and not so scary) tales about their adventures with security, upgrading systems and more. Do you have a story you would like to tell? We'd love to hear it!
Debathena Under the Hood
Date: November 6, 2013, at 6:30 PM
Presenters: Jonathan Reed (jdreed)
Location: 4-231
Abstract: Athena has been a fixture at MIT for over 30 years. During that time, it has evolved from a radical academic computing experiment to the Institute's primary distributed computing environment. We'll take a look "under the hood" and see how Athena works.
This cluedump will be given by Jonathan Reed '02, who is a SIPB member and Senior Liaison to the Students in IS&T's Faculty and Student Experience (FSX) group, where he spends more time working on Athena than his job description might suggest.
Web Browsers
Date: December 4, 2013, at 6:30 PM
Presenters: David Benjamin (davidben)
Location: 4-231
Abstract: This week’s cluedump will be about web browsers and how they work by David Benjamin. David works at Google on the Chrome networking team. Come learn what goes on under the hood of a modern browser. Possible topics include the same-origin policy, SSL, or whatever people ask about.
Using the Shell
Date: December 11, 2013, at 6:30 PM
Presenters: Jacob Morzinski (jmorzins)
Location: 4-231
Abstract: The last cluedump of the semester will give an introduction to using the "shell" - the command prompt that is commonly used to launch programs. The goal is to give a basic overview of quoting, loops, and scripts. At the end, you should feel more in command of the things you tell your computer to do.
Jacob Morzinski is a former grad. student and SIPB member from the turn of the century. He works in IS&T's Customer Support group, for User Accounts and the Help Desk, and spends a lot of time figuring how things fit together.
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